Evolution of a Blog
This blog has evolved as I have as a maker. It starts at the beginning of my journey where I began to re-tread my tires in the useful lore of micro electronics and the open-source software that can drive them. While building solutions around micro-electronics are still an occasional topic my more recent focus has been on the 3D Printing side of making.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Multiple Failures

Ultra-short Webcam Capture Script
I think that the below is the shortest possible Python script to capture and then save an image from a webcam:
The -1 on the second line works if you only have one webcam otherwise you will have to specify the one you want to capture from...and since they move around...you have to add logic for that as well.
This is the basics of what I need but I have been chasing a problem with the webcam on the RPi for a while. Namely that the first image is exposed correctly and all subsequent images are extremely under exposed. This persists until the RPi is rebooted or the webcam unplugged and plugged back in.
I have tried unbinding/rebinding the device drivers thinking this would accomplish the same thing as the unplug/replug but to no avail. The webcam that I am using works on Ubuntu and another webcam that I borrowed from my wife works through multiple exposures on the RPi.
Obviously I can get another webcam but I do have a problem that you can see to the right. I seriously doubt that my wife will happily watch me disassemble her webcam for this project!
import cv
capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(-1)
frame = cv.QueryFrame(capture)
cv.SaveImage( "Test.png", frame)
The -1 on the second line works if you only have one webcam otherwise you will have to specify the one you want to capture from...and since they move around...you have to add logic for that as well.
This is the basics of what I need but I have been chasing a problem with the webcam on the RPi for a while. Namely that the first image is exposed correctly and all subsequent images are extremely under exposed. This persists until the RPi is rebooted or the webcam unplugged and plugged back in.

Obviously I can get another webcam but I do have a problem that you can see to the right. I seriously doubt that my wife will happily watch me disassemble her webcam for this project!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Pan and Tilt
I added the optional Pan and Tilt Kit to give my range finder and webcam a place to live where the could be pointed on an arc covering the front of the 'bot. The kit is designed as an accessory for the Explorer PCB and mounts nicely on it. The pan and tilt mechanism is not a particularly highly engineered piece of gear but it works. I had a little trouble assembling it as the tilt mechanism is somewhat fiddly.
Wiring the servos is really pretty simple as the Explorer PCB has sockets for four servos on each side of the board. Power to the appropriate pins on each of the sockets and the control pin back to the Arduino and we were done with the wiring.
The code is pretty simple but does need the servo library to make things happen.
#include <Servo.h> // create servo object to control a servo
Servo myservo;
void setup()
void setup()
// attach servo on pin 24
void loop()
void loop()
// Move the servo to 10
// Move the servo to 120
One of the challenges that I had was in getting the servos centered. Make sure you have power them up and centered them BEFORE you mount them! I also have a fair amount of servo chatter at various points on their arcs...a sign that I did not do a very good job of assembling the pan and tilt kit!
Proximity Detection

Power for these sensors is provided by the board so connecting them is a matter of four wires from the board to digital pins on the Arduino for triggering the IR and another four to analog input pins for reading the proximity.
The code below shows my test code reading the Right Front corner. Note that this code is based on my Python to Arduino Interface but is 1-1 analogous to what you would code in Arduino directly.
import time
from Py2Ard import interfaceClass
# Instantiate the interface class
my_board = interfaceClass('/dev/ttyUSB0')
# Pin assignments for operations
TriggerRF = 36
InputRF = 10
# Set the pin modes
while 1==1:
# Turn on the infra red
# Take a reading
reading = int(my_board.returnValue)
# Turn off the infra red
# Take a reading (this will be the ambient light)
ambient = int(my_board.returnValue)
# Subtract ambient for your proximity reading
print "RF = " + str(reading - ambient)
Propulsion (e.g. Making Motors Go)

Speed is controlled by the PWM pin and takes a value of 0 to 255. Direction is set by a digital high or low. I have not gotten the current feedback to work yet but the documentation says it should be read on the processors "analog to digital (ADC) inputs". I am not sure what exactly that means but I am not getting anything on the pins that I have tried to date though I am not losing sleep about it at the moment.
Code for running a test on the left motor is shown below. Note that this code is based on my Python to Arduino Interface but the commands, less error handling, are 1-1 analogous to what you would code in Arduino directly.
import time
from Py2Ard import interfaceClass
# Specify the port as an argument
my_board = interfaceClass('/dev/ttyUSB0')
leftMotorDir = 26
leftMotorSpeed = 7
print "Setting Pin Mode for Speed"
if my_board.pinModeOutput(leftMotorSpeed) == -1:
print "Error" + my_board.extraReturn
print "Setting Pin Mode for Direction"
if my_board.pinModeOutput(leftMotorDir) == -1:
print "Error" + my_board.extraReturn
print "Commanding Direction Forward"
if my_board.setHigh(leftMotorDir) == -1:
print "Error" + my_board.extraReturn
print "Commanding Speed of 100"
if my_board.pwmWrite(leftMotorSpeed, 100) == -1:
print "Error" + my_board.extraReturn
print "Commanding Direction Backward"
if my_board.setLow(leftMotorDir) == -1:
print "Error" + my_board.extraReturn
print "Commanding Speed of 100"
if my_board.pwmWrite(leftMotorSpeed, 100) == -1:
print "Error" + my_board.extraReturn
print "Commanding Stop"
if my_board.pwmWrite(leftMotorSpeed, 0) == -1:
print "Error" + my_board.extraReturn
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Backing up the Raspberry Pi
The code base for the Robot lives upstream from the RPi and is downloaded on update but there is a fair amount of other configuration that goes into the Raspberry Pi that really needs backing up! Having done a re-install once already...I know this!
The easy way to do a backup is to copy the entire SD card. You can do this from the RPi if you have a second card reader but between the speed of the Raspberry and the speed of the cards this makes a slow process even slower. I make my backups on my Ubuntu machine as follows.
Insert your SD card and find out what the two device names you need to backup:
First Way: Use the 'dd' command to make a full backup from the SD card to your hard drive (this will take a while):
Second Way: Instead of using dd you can just do a cp (it will actually be quicker than dd if your disk is less than full but slower if your disk is more full than empty). In the example below I have positioned myself in a sub-directory within which I want my backup to reside:
sudo cp /media/10b4c001-2137-4418-b29e-57b7d15a6cbc . -r
The problem with the second way is that everything comes across in a restore as being owned by root. I think, but could be wrong, that dd preserves ownership? In any case I only use the default user of 'pi' so fixing this is easy:
sudo chown -R pi .
What I wonder about both of the above is...does it really yield a perfect replica if I had to do a restore? I am not sure that it would given rights in the second case.
The easy way to do a backup is to copy the entire SD card. You can do this from the RPi if you have a second card reader but between the speed of the Raspberry and the speed of the cards this makes a slow process even slower. I make my backups on my Ubuntu machine as follows.
Insert your SD card and find out what the two device names you need to backup:
First Way: Use the 'dd' command to make a full backup from the SD card to your hard drive (this will take a while):
Second Way: Instead of using dd you can just do a cp (it will actually be quicker than dd if your disk is less than full but slower if your disk is more full than empty). In the example below I have positioned myself in a sub-directory within which I want my backup to reside:
sudo cp /media/10b4c001-2137-4418-b29e-57b7d15a6cbc . -r
The problem with the second way is that everything comes across in a restore as being owned by root. I think, but could be wrong, that dd preserves ownership? In any case I only use the default user of 'pi' so fixing this is easy:
sudo chown -R pi .
What I wonder about both of the above is...does it really yield a perfect replica if I had to do a restore? I am not sure that it would given rights in the second case.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Wireless for the Raspberry Pi
Obviously my robot needs a wireless connection so I went to the Raspberry Pi Hardware Compatibility list to look for a small, cheap, compatible, wireless dongle. I decided on the Belkin N150 and have been happy with it. The RPi detects it on boot so all I needed to do was setup the network. Edit the network interfaces file /etc/network/interfaces. The file should look like the below once you have added the wlan0 interface for the Belkin N150 (highlighted): |
auto wlan0
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid YourNetworkSSID
wpa-psk YourPassword
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Raspberry Configuration
I have been spending a fair amount of time on my Ubuntu development environment and needed to get the Raspberry Pi configured to mirror the laptop:
Get all the latest updates for packages that are installed as well as package indices:
sudo apt-get updates
Install VNC server so that when I do need a graphical environment it is there for me:
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x728 -depth 24
Setup VNC to start on boot:
This last command is what starts VNC automatically...
sudo update-rc.d tightvncserver defaults
Start manually
sudo /etc/init.d/tightvncserver start
Install an FTP client and server (note that the FTP server will be installed to start automagically):
sudo apt-get install ftp
sudo apt-get install proftpd
Setup Python with the add-ons that I need for my Robot:
sudo apt-get install python-serial
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
sudo apt-get install python-imaging
Install the Arduino environment (won’t need it often but thought it should be there):
sudo apt-get install arduino
Install compass library (I had to copy this from development for latest version as I am not sure where I got it!)
Install beanstalkd (and all of the rest just to get a Python interface library) for inter-process queue management:
apt-get install beanstalkd
PIP (all the rest is to get support for Python)
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
sudo apt-get build-dep python-yaml
sudo pip install PyYAML
sudo pip install beanstalkc
With all of the above done my RPi was acting exactly as my development environment running Ubuntu on an Intel based laptop. The RPi is, obviously, quite a bit slower but this is still an impressive feat!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Frustrated by the RPi Wait - Ordered Another!
I finally got frustrated by the wait for my Raspberry from Allied Electronics and RS Components so I ordered on from CPC in Farnell. It was a little more expensive but they had one in stock. A little case from eBay and I am good to go. Someday when I get the original Raspberry that I ordered you will find one of them on eBay. I do wonder a little about AE and RSC. Why not add a quid or even two to the price and offer some customer service????? |
Anyway, having an RPi in hand I connected a mouse and keyboard dongle, attached it to my TV, and gave it some power. It booted up as advertized with the raspi-config menu displayed from whence I:
- Expanded the root so that my entire 16gb card would be utilized,
- Set the timezone to London, and
- Rebooted the device.
Working on a 42 inch TV was a little awkward so I connected the Rpi to an AP that I have for just such purposes and continued with some initial configuration via an SSH session:
- Restarted raspi-config and asked it to update itself now that we were on the network.
- Once the above was done the menu option for overclocking turned up so I set it to the medium setting.
- As I am working almost exclusively from the command prompt I also set the video memory to the minimum setting.
The velcro dots are part of my sophisticated mounting system for the USB hub that will ride on top of the RPi. To the rear you can see the three leads for the serial console connection that I will talk about later. Power is coming from the left and the AP for wireless connectivity is coming in from the right.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Range Finding
The URM37 V3.2 Ultrasonic Sensor was the first thing that I connected to my Arduino. It is a cool little piece of kit. It is actually a sonar device in that it bounces ultrasonic beams off of things to measure their distance from the sensor by timing the echo. Note that the product to the right is NOT precisely the same device as I am using but does offer most of the same features. In any case, the one that I amusing can be connected either via PWM or serial (TTL or RS232) and if you use the serial interface you can also measure the temperature. I just wanted simple range finding on command so I used the PWM input. The user manual covers a lot more of the capabilities than I need! |
As you can see from the picture it takes four wires to connect the sensor if you are using PWM. Two power, the PWM output, and a trigger input.
Below is the Arduino code to read from the sensor. This presumes you have already set the pins to output and input respectively and declared their variables!
digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);
range = pulseIn(inputPin, LOW);
rangeCM = range / 50;
The only issue that I have had with this sensor has been one related to power. If you don't give it good power it will limit the range of the sensor. Drove me nuts.
- Power: +5V
- Current: <20mA
- Working temperature: -10 ~ +70 C
- Detecting range: 4cm-3m (3-5m is possible, but depending on situations)
- Resolution: 1cm
- Interface: PWM, RS232 or TTL (via Jumper)
- Servo control: One servo control output
- Operating Mode: Serial (PWM) passive control mode; Autonomous Mode; On/OFF Mode
- Temperature sensor: 12 bits reading from serial port
- Size: 22mm × 51 mm
- Weight: 30g
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