The interface is driven from the Python side as the I2C library provided by the Onion only supports slave mode for the Arduino side. I2C is both more complex and more simple than using serial communications. Once you understand the message flow as discussed in the previous article the actual command and response flow is quite simple:
'DR13' --> from Python to Arduino
<-- '0,1,Digital read from pin 13' from Arduino to Python
Commands that provide two arguments would have a comma separating the first and second argument (e.g. DW13,20). The narrative after the value is there only if debug is on.
The standard commands implemented in the first version of this library are shown below:
(P)in mode commands
(D)igital commands
digitalWrite(pin, value)
(A)nalog commands
analogWrite(pin, value)
pwmPulseLow(pin, trigger)
pwmPulseHigh(pin, trigger)
attachServo(servo, pin)
commandServo(servo, command)
(H)ousekeeping and debugging commands
The most rudimentary possible example of this library in operation is shown below:
from Onion2Arduino import interfaceClass
true = 1
false = 0
# Bring in the interface we are demo'ing!
o2a = interfaceClass()
# No debug and errors will not cause an exception
# Pin assignments for our demo hardware
# Initialization where appropriate
# Loop until button is pressed
running = true
while running:
# If the button has been pressed then we end this all now!
if int(o2a.digitalRead(BUTTON)) != 1:
running = false
print 'Done!'
There is no error handling shown above. There are two ways to implement error handling with one being to raise and handle exceptions on error and the second being to interrogate the interfaces status after each transaction (o2a.returnStatus in the above case).
Obviously the Arduino side of this library can do more depending on a given application. Anything that needs real time attention would need to be handled here as the Onion is not going to be reacting in real time!
The code for the interface is located on GitHub and an example of it in operation follows.
Hey thank you for sharing ! just tried this out :-)
ReplyDeleteYour welcome. Love to see what you do with it as I never really did anything useful with it!