Have been making some progress on a prototype for my DUP 3D Printer Calibration UV Meter. Maybe just DUPUVM for short?
A breadboard prototype has been assembled and code written to drive it. |
The case design has been evolved a little to match the PCB. |
Further progress on the case will wait for the PCB. Software has a ways to go yet but is far enough along that I felt comfortable ordering the PCB. The first batch of PCBs will still be prototypes which explains some of the extra contact point you can see above.
The meter will function as follows:
- Readings can be recorded from the built in LCD display or they can be captured either via a Bluetooth terminal session or by connecting the device to the Arduino development environment and using the terminal there.
- Two LCDs display the status of data capture with solid green indicating a good solid reading, flashing green and red indicating a fluctuating reading, and solid red indicating that the reading is not stable enough to record.
- When a stable reading can be taken a single press of the button will display the current light intensity on the LCD, broadcast it out the serial port, and the two LEDs will both illuminate.
- A second press of the button will send a delimiter and will start the next reading cycle. Note that holding the button down at this point, for more than a second, will send a line delimiter.
- If you are taking the data capture route the above process will result in you having a comma separated file for import into the spreadsheet that calculates parameters for generating the mask in NanoDlp.
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