Evolution of a Blog

This blog has evolved as I have as a maker. It starts at the beginning of my journey where I began to re-tread my tires in the useful lore of micro electronics and the open-source software that can drive them. While building solutions around micro-electronics are still an occasional topic my more recent focus has been on the 3D Printing side of making.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

NanoDlp and the topic of Masks - Part 4 - More Stuff

I have a couple copies of my meters out for some testing so thought that I would do an update in regards to my own progress now that I am testing in more earnest.

Summing it all up:  I am a little frustrated!  The meter works fine using it in the manner that NanoDlp expects...namely measuring light intensity within cells as you adjust that cell on NanoDlp.  What is not working is when I take 50 readings (which I can do in minutes) and feed them to my spreadsheet to have the input prepared for NanoDlp.  I was hoping to get to a 1 or 2% deviation on a verification measurement of the brightness once my mask is applied but I don't.

First a brief overview of operation of the meter.

  1. Connect it to power using a mini USB cable attached to either a power supply or a PC.
  2. If you are using a PC, and the Arduino IDE or a terminal program, to read from the meter then skip the next step.
  3. Connect a terminal to the meter using bluetooth.  It should advertise itself as an HC-06 and the password will be "1234".   Start a capture (depending on what you are using).
  4. To put the meter in a mode where it just measures continuously you need to reset it using a paperclip through the hole on the top of the case.   When the meter resets you will have an option to select its mode of running and what sensor it will use.
  5. Assuming we are going to measure, place the probe with the appropriate sensor on the first cell of the display (bottom right) and press the button.  It is very important that the photoresistor be flush with the build surface!
  6. The meter will wait for a stable reading before sending it across bluetooth/usb and putting it on the screen.
  7. When the meter has confirmed the reading move it to the next cell.
  8. When you have moved to the next column press the button longer, for over a second, and a new line will be sent instead of a comma.
  9. Finish measuring all the cells.
  10. Back on your host you should see 10 rows of readings!
When I plug these into my spreadsheet it all seems like it is going to work.  I copy the data for the suggested mask and paste it into NanoDlp in hopes that I will find my readings across the mask to be flat...and they are not!

Spreadsheet is Here

There seems to be a lot of variation between reads of the light levels.  I am not sure if this is a factor of my printers or the photoresistor that I am using.  I have been focused on the older of my two printers but now I am going to spend some time with the newer.

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