Python features a pretty cool (IMHO) logging feature that I am using for my project. It allows you to log messages with varying levels of severity from DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, to CRITICAL. The code that I am using is shown below. A sample of output is shown at the bottom of this post.
First we setup a logger. The name "Main" will be used to connect to this logger from other modules.
# Setup my logger logger = logging.getLogger("Main")
I want my messages to be logged to a file as well so this is done here. Formatting for messages going to the file include prefixes for the time, name of the module from where the message comes, and the severity level for the message.
# Send output to a file as well
loggingFormat = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(filename='logs/Robot.log', level=logging.INFO, /
Create the handler that will be used to log our messages.
# Create console handler and set level to debug
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
I have a command line option that specifies the level of messages to be displayed on the console. The following dictionary expands the code that I use there. The two eval statements then apply the selected level to the logging handler. Obviously this could be hard coded to dispense with the "eval" statement.
# Set appropriate logging level based on options
loggingLevels = {"D" : "DEBUG",
"I" : "INFO",
"W" : "WARNING",
"E" : "ERROR",
eval("ch.setLevel(logging." + loggingLevels[options.loggingLevel] + ")")
eval("logger.setLevel(logging." + loggingLevels[options.loggingLevel] + ")")
We want our messages to be preceded by the severity level so we build
a formatter that will do that here. There are a lot of formatting
options but this is all I wanted for the console messages.
# Create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(message)s")
# Add formatter to ch ch.setFormatter(formatter)
Finally we add the channel that we created above to our logger and we are ready to go. My first message is at the debug level.
# Add ch to logger
logger.addHandler(ch) logger.debug("Initiating startup")
Modules within the robot use the same logger by connecting to it when they init:
# Setup logging by connecting to our main logger
self.logger = logging.getLogger('Main.' + __name__)
If I were going to be honest I would have to say that the above methods to get logging going are not all that straight forward! It works but seems a bit convoluted to me.
Sample output from the startup of the 'bot, showing all messages, is below:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo ./xxr -lD --disableStream
DEBUG - Initiating startup with the following options:
DEBUG - map = ''
DEBUG - testBed = 'None'
DEBUG - disableStream = 'True'
DEBUG - auto = 'M'
DEBUG - disablePropulsion = 'None'
DEBUG - serialPort = 'ttyUSB0'
DEBUG - commandStart = 'True'
DEBUG - shutdown = 'None'
DEBUG - loggingLevel = 'D'
DEBUG - voltageCheck = 'None'
DEBUG - Starting hardware interface and utilities
DEBUG - Initialized utility
DEBUG - Hardware interface has started
DEBUG - Reference voltage at 4.8 volts
DEBUG - Reference adjustment 0.965
DEBUG - RPi Main voltage at 6.547 volts
DEBUG - RPi voltage at 4.243 volts
DEBUG - Main voltage at 7.881 volts
DEBUG - 5v Bus voltage at 4.839 volts
DEBUG - Starting daemon communication queues
DEBUG - Killing old daemons
DEBUG - Restarting daemons
DEBUG - Disable stream command queued for action
DEBUG - Starting robot classes
DEBUG - Initialized control
DEBUG - Initialized bridge
DEBUG - Sensor at 0h and 0v
DEBUG - Initialized sensor
DEBUG - Initialized radar
DEBUG - Initialized navigation
DEBUG - Current bearing 220.0
DEBUG - Initialized propulsion
DEBUG - Initialized mapping
DEBUG - Initialized proximity
DEBUG - Robot is waiting for commands
DEBUG - ----------------------------------
DEBUG - RPi Main voltage at 6.490 volts
DEBUG - RPi voltage at 4.196 volts
DEBUG - Main voltage at 7.881 volts
DEBUG - 5v Bus voltage at 4.839 volts
DEBUG - Current range from sensor is 21.07421875
DEBUG - Message queues are empty
DEBUG - Current sensor (and robot) bearing 220.0
INFO - Telemetry uploaded
DEBUG - ----------------------------------
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